Supporting our church

Could you spare some time to support the church?

We have a small rota of people who keep the Church clean and provide the Church with flowers. If you can spare just a small amount of time to do this on a regular basis, it would really be appreciated. Likewise, we have a small band of people who help us offer refreshments after our main service on Sunday and at most church events. If you could help with this, again it would be appreciated. Just contact Tricia Murphy, one of our Church Wardens. She would be pleased to give you more details.

We are currently looking for people to join a rota of servers who assist with our communion services. This only requires extra time before and after communion services and is not onerous. A briefing session can easily be arranged. Please contact our Reader, Robert Johns, for more information. 


We do also have vacancies on our PCC (Parochial Church Council) who have overall responsibility for the running of the church. This is especially important at the moment when we are between vicars. If you could help with this, please contact one of our Church Wardens, Neil Walter (PCC Secretary) or Tricia Murphy.


Could you share your treasure, or more of your treasure, with us? The running costs of the church are high, since this is not just everyday costs, but we also need form time to time to commission repairs to an ancient building which  is at the heart of the Harlington community. 

The ideal way to give to the Church is through the Parish Giving Scheme which takes care of regular giving through the direct debit scheme. For more information on this please contact the St. Mary’s Harlington Treasurer.

If you put money into the Plate at a service, please consider using a Gift Aid envelope. Completing a Gift Aid Declaration enables our Treasurer to claim a further 25% of the your donation from the Government. One-off Gift Aid envelopes are available in each pew.


Please remember our Church in your will. Leaving money to “St. Mary’s Harlington PCC” means that the money can be used to benefit the church directly in the most appropriate way. If you prefer, money could be left for a specific purpose. Please see our separate page on legacies.